
Why google doesn't pay to ISP company ?

GOOGLE DON'T PAY TO ISP google doesn't pay to the isp companies because they created their private network that's why the don't need to pay to the isp companies.websites like   godaddy  takes some servers form google data center by rent. so, also they need to pay to isp company to make the in between data centers and isp.  this is it if they don't pay money to isp company then who paying to the isp company. this is it.

VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPN     This network is virtual means  the location of  the network is not  real. for example if My real location is Mumbai  then it  shows another location of me to the. The location is virtual. In detail what is VPN is given below.  In VPN. You send request then, it goes to that vpn location there then that computer  sends same request to that server and server got  ip address of that computer  not user computer means  our computer that computer sends the page to us. so we saw our ip address is changed that address page we taken from another computer so we feel that our ip address is changed.

What is SSL Certificate ?

SSL Certificate SSL certificate is a small bit of code which is installed on server computer. It is used encrypt some critical information, like password, credit card number,debit card pin. ssl certifcate encrypt this information. the browser inbuilt this information of various certificate. it checks the who issued the certificate and from which company have certificate. the company who issued certificate, it verifies and validate the company who takes certificate from them. means for example the abc company created a website of e eCommerce like amazon or something. then certificate issued company checks the the website is in the real or not it check there is office or something of that site, after that it gives ssl certificate to that e eCommerce site. SSL certificate has a limited time about two months or three months, then certificate expired. this certificate is so important to any organization if they want to prove them as true and real. SSL certificate can be ...

Data Travel through Internet

Data Travel data travel through the fiber optic cables. data travel at very high speed. for example one is visiting form Japan. the request means the data goes to united states and comes back with response. this happens in  milliseconds, means data travel is so fast. Data travel starts from our home. because we are client. we send request to server. when we send request to server using mobile. then that data is converted into Electromagnetic waves. then tower send data to mobile switching center. mobile switching center sends data to the tier 3 isp , here tier 3 isp works within cities or districts. means We can say it is local isp. this isp check the  address of request is matches to its network or not if not then it sends to upper level isp. Tier 2 isp is at country level it work within country example Jio, idea etc. tier 2 isp network covers entire state. here  the request received from tier 3. tier 2 isp check the address of that req...

Google Data Center

Google Data Center The data center are called as brain of internet. The are main components of Internet Without that Internet can't be work. Now this about Google Data center. Data Center is big building that there many which are joined together to complete task that is given by client. Here we need to know what is server. what the server actually is ? The server is a computer, but it is a powerful computer that have 1000 GB RAM and near about 6000 GB Hard Disk Space. here is one thing is that client is also computer like smartphone, PC and laptop data center are created by Big companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo and many more . In the Google data centers there are near about 15000 to 45000 servers are present. the Google Data centers uses carbon free energy sources like solar power, wind power etc. Google data center have cyber security team which secures information from hackers. the most important thing is that there is cooling system inbuilt in data centers ...